There’s a famous quote from a dying actor (though people disagree on who said it), “Dying is easy; Comedy is hard.” 

That may be true, but two things at least equally difficult are: a) Being a teenager, and b) Raising one. 

At no other time in our lives are our parents, peers, society, and our own body chemistry in such constant and intense conflict.  No one gets through it easily, nor does anyone make it easy on those around them (Another line I like to quote is that raising teenagers is like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree). 

At the same time, the teenage years bring joys, thrills, and rewards to both the teens and the parents, equally magical to those of childhood, as long as they’re able to experience them.

This may be the most crucial, and difficult, time for one’s True Voice to come out.  While it’s normal for teens to desperately crave peer acceptance and self-esteem, the confusing search for these down a path of mixed messages can result in many unhappy consequences.

What teenagers need more than anything else is a fun and trusted compatriot, at whom they can vent, test things out, and even ask certain really vulnerable questions.

And what teens’ parents most often need is a nonjudgmental trained compatriot of their own, at whom they can express all their frustrations and fears, who can ease some concerns and tell them when others are absolutely right.

Mainly, what both need is someone who can remain outside the mutual irritation and conflicts, find ways to build bridges between the teen and their families, and help insure that the main job of adolescence – that a child miraculously finds Identity Strength to move forward into adulthood – is accomplished as fully and enjoyably as possible.

This is where an insightful, creative, and encouraging Psychotherapist can be enormously useful.


Please contact me to schedule a free telephone consultation.